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Building Aggregate Range

We offer a huge range of building aggregates for both domestic, commercial, and industrial purposes. All our building aggregates come either bagged or loose, from 20kg maxi bags and 900kg dumpy bags to 28 tonne loose loads.

Our crushed stone is produced on Portland, where rock is pecked, crushed and screened into different sizes and blends, once stockpiled the material is tested to ensure it meets the relevant grading requirements.

We also offer haulage, where you require material moved from one site to another.

For large bulk orders or ongoing orders, please contact us and we can look at discounted bulk rates. Contact us

Some of the products we offer are listed below. however, for a full range please visit our shop:

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Did you know we have our own inert restoration tip?

Our Broadcroft inert restoration facility has a capacity of 1 million tonnes of inert waste. The waste material used to complete the restoration of the former quarry are items such as clays and soils.

Did you know we run a fleet of 12 tipper lorries?

We operate a modern fleet of tippers big enough to cope but still small enough to care. We will also go anywhere for our customers, even if this is outside of our coverage area.

Did you know we offer haulage and daywork?

If you have some material that you would like moved on site or moved to another site, we can arrange this no problem. If you have material that requires collecting again, we will be happy to carry out just the haulage.
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Did you know we offer over 45 different building products?

From chippings to blended permeable paving aggregate, we offer the complete range, and if we haven’t got what you need, we will make it for you. Our business is based around our customers.

Did you know we will go anywhere for our customers?

Even if it is outside of our area coverage map, we will cover any of our services anywhere in the country, however costs for this may be less competitive due to the distance, but rest assured we will turn up on time.

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